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  • Address: Mayipady, Kasaragod 671124
  • Call us (0) 4994-240323 - [email protected]
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Welcome to District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) Kasaragod

     It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) Website. We have tried to create an online resource that provides all relevant information about DIET, and I hope that as you peruse through the contents of this website, you will get a sense of the rich flavour of multilingual teaching-Learning life of Kasaragod District.

As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions you may have about our institution, our academic programmes and Training programmes.

About DIET Kasaragod

DIET is the most significant educational intervention in the country, while the NCERT came up in the 1960,s and the state councils of education research and training came up in 1970,s, the need for a third tier of training and resource support structure, right at the district level was genuinely felt in order to improve the quality of Basic education. As a result DIET’s were set up in almost all the districts of all the states in the country.

Govt. of India gave top priority to elementary education.Different education Commissions were constituted which submitted their reports and on the basis of their findings, Govt. made drastic change in the education policy. In the beginning education was a state subject but through an amendment in the constitution in 1976 the subject of education was put on the concurrent list. As a result Central Govt. as well as State Govt. now collectively frame a particular education policy viz; National education policy-1986 introduced a new pattern of education known as 10+2+3 system. Establishment of DIET’s is based on the recommendations of National Education Policy 1986.

District Institute of Education and Training, Kasaragod was established in 1992 by converting Basic Training School at Maipady. The sole purpose of DIET is to conduct different kinds of trainings programmes to improve the quality of Basic education and create a desirable environment within the district.DIET Kasaragod is only institute in Keral offering training for teachers in Kannada Medium.

DIET,KASARAGOD has a team of highly qualified faculties who simultaneously work as Educational Sub-District Academic Co-ordinators and Faculties of training specially on on- going different schemes of Education Department of Govt.of Kerala .The faculties under the leadership of Principal guide the teachers to implement the scheme in an effective way through the Seven Departments as categorized below:

  1. Faculty of Pre-Service Teacher Education (PSTE).
  2. Faculty of Educational Technology (ET).
  3. Faculty of Work Experience (WE).
  4. Faculty of District Resource Unit for adult and non-formal education (DRU).
  5. Faculty of In service programmes, Field Intervention, and innovation Coordination (IFIC).
  6. Faculty of Curriculum, Material Development and Evaluation(CMDE).
  7. Faculty of Planning and Management (P&M;).


Virtual Class room, Computer labs enhances the student's experience

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Audio-Visual Lab, Science Lab, Psycology Lab, Social Science Lab, Communication Lab, Library

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Several important activities to make student lean more real life activities.

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Conducting different types of activity and programs in Schools.

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